Upcoming events.

Through the Floor
tactileBOSCH & SHIFT Present Through The Floor 19th-21st July
Through The Floor. A Three day festival of experimental performance and sound art taking place across three floors @carneddcaerdydd Food trucks, coffee & more onsite.
Friday: 7pm-10pm
Rhodri Davies / Luigi Marino (Duo) @rhodrijd
Rhodri Davies (Solo) - Luigi Marino (Solo)
Pamdox Trio @pamrosecott @xavyboyyyyy @lukehrobinson
Saturday 1pm-11pm & Sunday 1pm-10pm
Sgor/score @sgor_score
Solar Return @julienottavi1 @jennnn.apo33
Lucia H. Chung @encreuxmusic
Charlie Lockwood @charlielockwoodart
Rachel helena walsh @rachelhelena
Kelan @kelan_uk
Beauty Parlour @sgarabtapes
Carnivorous Plants Trio @liquidlibrarysucks @danjohnsondrums
Noah Radley @radley_noah
Martin Chitty & Jon Ruddick @martinlloydchitty @tstarchive
FONTS @iamrobsmithmusic @martinlloydchitty
JAG Orchestra @jakeagriffiths
May Swoon @mayswoon
Truly Kaput @trulykaput
Fuck Radio @kieran.doe
NPOT @nuanced_presence
Gin Drinker
Pato Canton @patocantondj
Matthew Grigg & Robin Foster @robinfost3r
Congregate 2024
tactileBOSCH presents Congregate, a night of elevating immersive music, installation and performance in collaboration with cultvr’s Soundspace sessions.
Expect evocative electronic sound mixed with live, 360° visuals, installations, wearable art, sonic beats and organic pulses. Let us warm your blood cells at our Spring celebration. Haunting voices from some of the best in experimental electronic music! Join us Good Friday to hear what they have to say.

Agora exhibition close
tactileBOSCH and Cadw present, a group exhibition reflecting on Welsh heritage and collective ritual through a contemporary lens.
Agora brings together artists from across Wales whose work responds to themes of heritage, ritual and the land. An innovative approach to making and showcasing new artwork that celebrates tradition and powerfully expresses the potential that places hold.
This exhibition takes the Agora [The gathering place] as the inspiration for new methods of radical cultural exchange.
With a focus on Welsh heritage, folklore, language and natural abundance this show is rooted in sustainability, diversity and the desire to nourish our personal and cultural connections to Wales. This exhibition showcases new work by a range of contemporary artists as well as documenting recent collaborative work made on location at Cadw heritage sites.
Mae Agora yn dod ag artistiaid o bob rhan o Gymru ynghyd y mae eu gwaith yn ymateb i themâu treftadaeth, defod a’r tir. Dull arloesol o wneud ac arddangos gwaith celf newydd sy’n dathlu traddodiad ac yn mynegi’n rymus botensial lleoedd.
Mae’r arddangosfa hon yn cymryd yr Agora [Y man ymgynnull] fel ysbrydoliaeth ar gyfer dulliau newydd o gyfnewid diwylliannol radical.
Gyda ffocws ar dreftadaeth Gymreig, llên gwerin, iaith a digonedd naturiol mae’r sioe hon wedi’i gwreiddio mewn cynaliadwyedd, amrywiaeth a’r awydd i feithrin ein cysylltiadau personol a diwylliannol â Chymru. Mae’r arddangosfa hon yn arddangos gwaith newydd gan amrywiaeth o artistiaid cyfoes yn ogystal â dogfennu gwaith cydweithredol diweddar a wnaed ar leoliad yn safleoedd treftadaeth Cadw.
Artists: Abi Hubbard, Beth Greenhalgh, Catrin Davies, Catrin Menai, Clare Parry Jones, Dan Johnson, Dominique Fester, Fern Thomas, Ffion Reynolds, George Myers, Georgia Ruth, Gwenno, Jen Abell, John Abell, Katie Turnbull, Lewis Prosser, Manon Awst, Molly Harcombe, Pam Rose Cott, Peter Evans, Sarah Boulton, Sean Vicary, Teddy Hunter, Tess Wood.
Images @pete_takes_pictures

TactileBOSCH and Cadw present 'Congregate', An afternoon of talks, performance, and sound as part of the Agora programme. Join us Penarth cemetery chapel on Sunday the 20th of August.

John Abell print making workshop
John Abell print making workshop
16th August 10 am till 4pm
Join us at Turner House for a workshop in lino printing.
Working from drawings, observation, imagination, history, texts. Creating lino cut and print around the current Agora install.
DM to book a spot or email beth@tactilebosch.co.uk

Iris Murray clay workshop
Build your own tiny home. A workshop and conversation on what it means to have a sense of home, belonging and welsh identity with a sustainable future.

Agora Exhibition preview
3rd August – 3rd September
tactileBOSCH and Cadw present, a group exhibition reflecting on Welsh heritage and collective ritual through a contemporary lens.